Peekskill Community Congress

Finding shared priorities for community action.

The proposal Period is closed. Next stop: Community vote!

What’s your top priority for preserving and promoting a stronger community? 

Any resident of the City of Peekskill 13 years or older can propose their top community priority online or at a public forum on a first come, first serve basis. There will be space for 10-12 proposed priorities at each forum. If they are willing, proposers will have three minutes (strictly enforced!) to present their priority at public forums themselves, either individually or in a group. Proposals submitted online can still be presented by PkCC volunteers even if the proposer is unable to present at the forum.

Read FAQs: Who can propose and vote in the PkCC

Proposed priorities must be:

While explaining what’s wrong is important, proposed priorities must put forward a clear solution to move the priority forward.

Proposed priorities and their solutions should be able to be addressed locally by local government, community organizations, or community residents.

All proposals will be compiled and put on a City-wide ballot so that residents can rank their priorities. After the community-wide vote, each proposer will be asked if they would be willing to help organize the effort to make progress on their priority, working together with other residents, community groups and local government. Any and all residents of Peekskill are encouraged to volunteer to help move their top priorities forward.

Propose a priority